Golive unavailable
Incident Report for Apwide
During a short period of time (3:52am UTC to 3:56am UTC), Golive tomcat thread pool was saturated by a high number of requests and was not available.

In details:
3:22am UTC: Tomcat thread pool consumption slowly increased (usually 10 threads out of 200 available but increased to 18) but was still able to handle the load.
3:39am UTC: Thread pool consumption increase accelerated.
3:52am UTC: No more available thread in the pool (200 busy threads), Tomcat stopped handling new requests. (outage)
3:56am UTC: Current busy threads completed their tasks, most of them are released, and processing was back to normal. (10 threads out of 200)

We are sorry for the inconvenience it caused and we are currently working on the app to mitigate the risk of this happening again.
Posted Dec 11, 2023 - 04:30 CET